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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

ALERT ATTENTION: System maintenance will be performed the weekend of Saturday, March 28, 2009. This event will begin at 6:00 am on March 28 and will conclude at approximately 12:00 noon on Sunday March 29 (all times EDT). Some Scitation services may be affected during this period.

Table of Contents
Volume 29, Issue 5, pp. 1067-1300

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Hopf-Type Estimates and Formulas For Nonconvex Nonconcave Hamilton--Jacobi Equations

Martino Bardi and Silvia Faggian

pp. 1067-1086

Nonexistence of Higher Dimensional Stable Turing Patterns in the Singular Limit

Yasumasa Nishiura and Hiromasa Suzuki

pp. 1087-1105

On Mother Bodies of Convex Polyhedra

Björn Gustafsson

pp. 1106-1117

A Uniqueness Theorem for an Inverse Scattering Problem in an Exterior Domain

Peter Hähner

pp. 1118-1128

Convergence and Divergence of Decreasing Rearranged Fourier Series

Antonio Córdoba and Pablo Fernández

pp. 1129-1139

Stability and Linear Independence Associated with Scaling Vectors

Jianzhong Wang

pp. 1140-1156

On the Regularity of Matrix Refinable Functions

Qingtang Jiang

pp. 1157-1176

Multivariate Refinement Equations and Convergence of Subdivision Schemes

Bin Han and Rong-Qing Jia

pp. 1177-1199

Convergence Results for Some Conservation Laws with a Reflux Boundary Condition and a Relaxation Term Arising in Chemical Engineering

François James

pp. 1200-1223

Some Inequalities for the Growth of Elliptic Integrals

S. L. Qiu, M. K. Vamanamurthy, and M. Vuorinen

pp. 1224-1237

On the Equations Describing a Relaxation Toward a Statistical Equilibrium State in the Two-Dimensional Perfect Fluid Dynamics

Andro Mikelic and Raoul Robert

pp. 1238-1255

Scattering Theory for the Hartree Equation

Nakao Hayashi, Pavel I. Naumkin, and Tohru Ozawa

pp. 1256-1267

Porous Medium Equation with Absorption

Catherine Bandle, Tokumori Nanbu, and Ivar Stakgold

pp. 1268-1278

Sharp Estimates for the Eigenvalues of Some Differential Equations

Samir Karaa

pp. 1279-1300